Posts about: experiential learning

By Alana Ripy posted: May 23rd, 2018

Working with Databases, Reports, Dashboard, and Infographics

In this increasingly data-driven age, university career centers must rely on data and metrics to assess and evaluate all our activities and actions (NACE, 2015). For career services professionals in higher education, learning the proper skills to organize, sort, interpret, analyze, and present their data is crucial to apply [...]
By Alana Ripy posted: Oct 25th, 2017

Best Practice Webinars

Our webinar with Beth Chancy, Assistant Director in the Office of Alumni and Career Services, highlights how Richmond University customized its system to maximize efficiency in the office and empower staff members to provide top-notch career services. Additional Resources Customizing your CSM system: Tips, Tricks, and Best Practices (PDF)
By Alana Ripy posted: Oct 2nd, 2017

Best Practice Webinars

Our webinar with Amy Morrill Bijeau, Associate Director of Career and Internship Advising at American University, highlights how the School of Professional & Extended Studies (SPExS) uses employer and student self-assessments to track how well students are developing valuable professional skills. Additional Resources Investment in [...]