Bringing your university a unified student experience


Symplicity Unihub has underpinned high-quality stakeholder engagement with many universities for well over a decade. Stakeholders, including students, alumni, professional services staff, academics and university leadership teams.

Our approach underpins cohesion and standardisation of operations across the entire university whilst simultaneously protecting integrity of data, by team through an access control security layer which conforms to university governance requirements.


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The Value of UniHub

Cohesion and inclusivity of data has never been more important for institutions. For teams operating in isolation, data produced is often inadequately stored or lost, impacting the ability to truly assess engagement; data which is critical for making leadership decisions.  Add to this the importance of developing a ‘delightful’ unified student experience, and the challenge is considerable.  UniHub addresses these challenges and more.

The Impact of Unihub

As it relates to student and alumni engagement, Symplicity UniHub has the power of leading, high-quality solutions most universities dream of for transforming engagement and the data that engagement produces, and at a mere fraction of the cost.

At a high level Unihub will drive high value, positive impact and improved levels of engagement on four fronts:

  • Data
  • Experience
  • Commercial
  • Risk

Benefits of UniHub

UniHub is fully integratable and as a result can be used to empower and enable leadership decision making based on a transformed understanding of how their students are truly engaging across the entire University.

  • Teams can be integrated
  • Teams can be segregated
  • All the same platform
  • The same data source
  • Rolls up to the same data repository
  • Fully customisable

Student Engagement Optional Modules

At Symplicity we believe in our customers building on their individual institutional needs, that's why we offer a selection of optional modules to bring into your UniHub experience, helping your institution take full advantage of UniHub's transformative benefits as and when you need.

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The Skills Development module allows careers teams to fully integrate skill development and reflection as a core function across all student engagement within their careers platform. Benefits include: the ability to manage and categorise listings of skills, students can manually add external experiences and claim skills against those experiences, students can reflect and validate these skills building a solid foundation for their CVs and future careers.  

UniHub Skills


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The Symplicity Talent Module allows customers to accurately process high volumes of student applications and to create a pipeline of job ready students for when industry providers post opportunities.
Students can easily search and apply for positions and upload their resume and cover letters to the cloud hosted CV Library. 
UniHub Talent

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Check In

The Symplicity Check In module integrates seamlessly with the existing platform and provides interfaces for students, administrators, event providers and guest trackers to track attendance across events and appointments. But there’s more, Check In integrates with the Skills Development module allowing students to easily claim on their new skill, and provides increased efficiencies through administration automation. 
UniHub Check-in