I would recommend Symplicity CSM to every institution. All of the updates and wonderful aspects of the platform would be beneficial to any career services office. In my opinion, there is no better system.
We’ve helped guide more than 26 million job seekers to their dream career.
Quickly review job details, navigate between jobs, search for jobs, and “Apply” for, or “Save” interesting jobs with Split View.
Get more students hired by connecting them to millions of employers on an easy-to-use platform.
Take employer connections further by delivering interview opportunities, hosting great career fairs, connecting with alumni mentors and more.
To ensure students are being shown the right jobs, our proprietary technology and team of human curators scans through hundreds of thousands of jobs and internships from sources outside the CSM network to provide the right opportunities to job seekers and foster employer relationships.
Learn MoreEasily adaptable to any university, no matter the size or number of departmental staff, Symplicity’s EL module provides universities with the flexibility to utilize the module for their university’s needs more than any other vendor in the field.
Learn MoreExpand access to relevant opportunities and career services to diverse student populations while preparing students for meaningful careers. Our virtual career fair offering comes complete with universal video capability and data reporting, enabling universities to connect students with employers outside of their geographic region, properly track real-time student engagement with employers, and increase the number of employers engaging with your institution.
RIT Launches Virtual Career Fair for Campus RecruitingSymplicity firmly believes in protecting student data—whether it’s now or five years from now. Our business model will never require students to give up their data in order to access a core university service. Our mission is to help institutions connect students with the people, knowledge, and experiences they need to launch successful careers
Designed to boost student engagement, our Pathways module allows career advisors to set up structured paths for students’ skill development, and easily measure the success of these plans. The Pathways module enables staff to customize each student’s experience based on ones activities, interests, and major.
Student CRM
Recruiting Toolkit
Advanced Metrics & Outcomes Reporting
Swipe Card Kiosks
Appointment Scheduling
Virtual Mock Interviews
Custom Dashboards
Mobile Interface
A CSM has been integral to supporting Illinois State University's over 20,000 students since 2014. With the support of their client manager, ISU has continued to focus on institutional goals and cross-campus collaboration with the career services office by working with CSM to make a meaningful impact on their students from day one.
I would recommend Symplicity CSM to every institution. All of the updates and wonderful aspects of the platform would be beneficial to any career services office. In my opinion, there is no better system.
Provides institutions with the ability to connect holistically with students to enhance their experience and streamline campus operations and collaborations.
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