CSM API Developer Guide

Getting Started



Symplicity Jobs and Careers Mobile App


Release Notes:


1.23 Reporting API Improvements

  • Added className and version columns to report API.

1.22 Additional MSE capabilities

  • Added MSE affiliations read and write to multiple APIs.  Documented more available picklists.

1.21 Compensation for Job

  • Added compensation to Job API.  Added status field to student API

1.20 Using Student ID to get and update records

  • Added routes to get/update students by school ID.  Added topic field to information sessions API.

1.19 Updated Documentation

  • Updated API docs to better describe events, empty states, custom fields, and other attributes.

1.18 Batch Updates

  • Added batch support for up to 1,000 records in a single asynchronous create or update request. Old synchronous bulk requests are being deprecated.

1.17 Advocate / Accommodate Sync Fields

  • Student Read API: Added fields to keep track of Advocate and Accommodate records, as well as "Has Approved Resume" and "Last Login" fields.

1.16 Info Sessions and Workshops API

  • Added Information Session/Workshop Read API.

1.15 OCR Read API

  • Added OCR Schedules field to the Job API.

1.14 Counseling API

  • Added read/write API routes for Student Counseling.

1.13 Employer Registrations API

  • Added API routes for Employer Registrations.

1.12 Job Stats API

  • Added Job Statistics: Student Views and Link Tracking routes

1.11 OCR Read API

  • Added read-only API for On-Campus Recruiting.

1.10 Career Outcomes API

  • Added API for Coreer Outcomes.

1.9 Staff Read/Write API

  • Added read/write API for Staff records.

1.8 Faculty Write API

  • Added a write API for Faculty records.

1.7 Modified Field

  • Added modified datetime field to various records.

1.6 Field Labels

  • Added a route to fetch field information

1.5 Student Updates

  • Added minors, certificates, schools, and language proficiencies to the Student API.

1.4 Bulk Updates

  • Added bulk support for up to 100 records in a single create or update request.

1.3 Career Fairs and Calendar Events

  •  Added a read API for Career Fairs with abilities to list Career Fairs, get details on a single fair, and list employer registrations for a specific fair.
  • Deprecated the old Events API in favor of a simpler Calendar Events API. Old event routes will still work until v2.0 of the api, but various event-specific details are being moved to correct new APIs.

1.2 Student Write API

  •  Added a write API for Student records.

1.1 Custom Fields

  •  Added support for reading and writing custom fields, if defined on a current instance.

1.0 Initial Release