Articles | Symplicity

Strengthening Career Services in Community Colleges | Symplicity

Written by Alana Ripy | Feb 19, 2020 6:34:25 PM

Today, higher education is seeing an increase in community college enrollment. There are a couple of factors that have contributed to this increase such as increased partnerships between community colleges and four-year institutions and an increase in offering online degree programs. The most powerful trend that is influencing community colleges enrollment, however, is an increase in employment for those with an associate degree.

The job market demands have changed with employers searching for candidates with the right experience and certifications rather than requiring a bachelor’s degree. According to the Community College Review, “more employers are looking to community colleges to provide the qualified workforce they require” and recent statistics from the Labor Department show a “rise in employment for those with an associate degree.” While the employment rate of graduates with a four-year degree is still larger than those with an associate’s, this rise in employment for those with an associate’s does indicate that “the market for mid-level skills is improving.” With an increasing demand for associate degrees, community colleges must consider best practices for developing career-ready graduates.

Symplicity CSM provides students with the tools and connections they need to enhance their employability while preparing to succeed in today’s job market. Not only does CSM provide students with the largest employer network in the space, it also provides staff with the ability to track post-graduation outcomes and translate it into meaningful trends that will resonate with stakeholders. CSM enables institutions to measure and report on critical KPIs around student engagement, streamline student and employer outreach, and run robust OCR and experiential learning programs.

For those interested in learning more about CSM, schedule a conversation with us or email