“Our shared goal is getting your students hired.” – Bill Gerety
Last week’s annual CSM symposium was a huge success!
We kicked off the first day with CEO Bill Gerety welcoming about 250 CSM clients who had traveled from all over the world to join us for a weekend of CSM-packed-fun and learning. In his opening remarks, Bill addressed our core mission in developing CSM: “At the end of the day, if we aren’t getting your students employed, we aren’t doing our job. It’s that simple.” To us, that is what it’s all about.
CSM Symposium is a time to bring together career service enthusiasts from across the world to share and learn from each other’s best practices and in-office secrets to success. We heard some amazing presentations, each one with tips and tricks on how to manage your career center and get the most out of CSM.
For those of you who couldn’t attend the conference or are interested in learning more about the topics discussed last week, or even if you attended and would like to review the notes from the presentations, you may view the Best Practice Presentations on your neighborhood account.
Instructions to find Best Practice Presentations:
• Go to Neighborhood (icon found in lower left section of CSM interface)
• Click on “Training” > “Cheat Sheets and Manuals” > “More” to view all presentations
• To filter: use keyword “Symposium 2015” or search for specific presentations by title
• Click “Open” to download presentation
All together, the week was a great success filled with learning, networking, and fun!
We can’t wait for CSM Symposium ’16! Hope to see you next June 16th-17th in New Orleans. Stay tuned this summer when we open registrations and best practice proposals!