Symplicity Recruit Introduces Advanced Student Messaging

For recruiters and employers on the hunt for best-fit talent, time is everything. During recruiting season, employers and recruiters need to focus on strategies that will ensure long-term success. Yet, sometimes, tight recruiting budgets and small teams make it difficult to split their time between proactively building pipelines and repetitive low-level tasks like screening and scheduling. With our newest release, employers will be able to automate applicant communication from application to hire through Applicant Autoresponders.


What Are Autoresponders?

With autoresponders, employers and recruiters will be able to automate communications with applicants as they enter the recruitment funnel. Employers with premium subscription plans will have access to email templates that they can customize to fit their brand, along with the ability to get status updates of applicants. 

Autoresponders Available and Main Features

This newest update offers employers and recruiters five different distinct autoresponders to make recruitment season more time efficient.

  1. Pending. The Pending autoresponder is sent immediately to students after they apply for one of your jobs. 
  2. Declined, Invite to Screen, Invite to Interview, and Send Offer. All four of these autoresponder are sent two minutes after you update the applicant status on any applicant to either of the three statuses. 
  3. Enable/disable invites, including pending invites, declined invites, invites to screen, invites to interview, and extension of offers. 
  4. Increase engagement with a standard set of merged fields that will make it easier to personalize emails to candidates. 

Advanced student messaging is available to all premium subscribers. See it in action by logging in to Recruit or contact us for a demo


Recruiting, Student Engagement, Employer Engagement, Virtual Recruiting, AI, Symplicity Recruit, Growth Acquisition, virtual recruiting strategy, Talent Acquisition, Quality Candidates, Jobseekers, autoresponders

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