I would recommend Symplicity CSM to every institution. All of the updates and wonderful aspects of the platform would be beneficial to any career services office. In my opinion, there is no better system.
We’ve helped guide more than 26 million job seekers to their dream career.
Gain a competitive market advantage by bridging the gap between careers and employer engagement teams to bring your student candidates to industry first.
Create a pipeline of student talent and process high volumes of student applications with accuracy with keyword searches on Student CV’s and profiles
Organise, search and review where any student is at any time during the application process. End-to-end applicant tracking will allow you to gain insights into student engagement and their employment journey.
Access our Cloud based CV Library for students to upload multiple versions of their CV to easily apply for jobs.
Drive industry engagement and reduce the number of systems used across your university by operating efficiently within a single platform.
Accurately process high volumes of student applications to create a pipeline of job ready students for when industry providers post available positions. Students can easily search and apply for positions and upload their resume and cover letters to the cloud hosted CV Library.
Respond & place candidates quickly
Identify & organise candidates
Improve efficiency
Reporting & Analytics
Quality outcomes for students & employers
Macquarie University and Griffith University share their insights on how the Talent Module has enhanced their campus wide approach to bridging the cap between careers and employer engagement teams.
I would recommend Symplicity CSM to every institution. All of the updates and wonderful aspects of the platform would be beneficial to any career services office. In my opinion, there is no better system.
Provide students with the tools and connections they need to enhance their employability while preparing to succeed in today’s job market.
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